I am now on my way to KL, leaving my two significant other half behind. Sob sob. This wshop better be a good one.
Anyway, yesterday we went out to the shopping mall for Ilham's usual routine @ Toys'rus. Hehe. But I also ended up buying new stuff for him - a crayola crayon, colouring book, paint set and an educational toy (wooden pieces with different shapes which he has to sort out accordingly)
I know. I've been buying too much toys n stuff for him. But I just couldn't help it, every parents wanted the best for their child, right? Maybe I should consider opening a pre-school for toddlers. Haha. Then, we went to Times bookstore, well, it's a must and we try not to miss it. I didn't planned to buy any book for myself until I saw this:-
So I immediately grabbed the book and glanced through the content and I was like - Oh, this is so gonna be perfect book for parenting! All this while I was just reading through Internet, which is not that much and quite hassle as you need few webpages to refer to different2 guide/reference. However, there is a setback of this book, it's toooo informative that the fonts are too small, for me.
I also got another version of this book for the pregnancy, so that was one of the reason why I knew beforehand that this is a perfect book that I've been looking for. Sadly in KK there's no Kinokuniya or Borders (when I'm in KL I don't go to bookshops but to Isetan, M&S, etc.. Hehe)
I've started reading the book since last night and I've realized that there were many things that I didn't do right as parent.*sigh* But there were also things that I am proud of myself, smiling while reading the book. Hehe. Being a parent is not easy, eh? Especially when you are working and get stressed out at work and sometimes tend to pass it to your child. *bad..bad* Even worst, as a single parent. It takes a lot of sacrifice, patience & courage. Alhamdulillah, so far I managed to go through few occasions when Ilham is grumpy or showing tantrum when Hubby's not around. But it's always even better to have him around. :)
Anyway, I would highly recommend this book to all the parents out there. I shall write more on this later. ;)
Oh, the plane is about to landing. C ya!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
yeah..kena share pengalaman akak tu..hehe..
Ez.. Find the book for babies..Ada jgk tau.. Hehe.. Byk sgt if share dlm ni, just imagine buku tu punya kecik font, dah tu satu page 2 column.. Hehe.. Tp ok je, next time akak share, insyaAllah...;)
buku ni sgt padat tp bosan gila sbb tulisan kecik2 hehehe. laku kubaca MOTHER OF ALL XXX BOOK je :P
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