Thursday, September 16, 2010

Eid Mubarak 2010


Aiyoo, I didnt manage to update before the Eid, as promised. Was too busy cooking, cleaning and decorating the house in KK for raya, coz it was the 1st time ever we celebrated 1 Syawal in KK and our house as the host. God knows how tiring it was and yes I wearing my last year's baju kurung.. same goes with Hubby..

Phase 1 home makeover done. I'll continue with Phase 2 in 2 weeks time ya... :p

in the making..


Anyway, we're still in Seremban and insyaAllah going back to KK on the 22nd, after my exam. I know, I should be studying now but I couldnt help myself blogging after reading everyone's update on their Eid celebration.

Oh, this Syawal isn't the best Syawal for me, coz I had flu, sorethroat, cough everything in 1 package, perfect. Maybe I was too tired cooking on Raya eve, Hari Raya itself and flying back to KL with the 1st flight in the morning - 6am. So by the time in Seremban I had everything, which definitely spoilt the mood to eat and snap photos. The weather was extremely hot, in KK it was quite cold and breeze and mendung2. Totally different.

As soon as we arrived Seremban, my family was getting ready to go back to kampung Sri Menanti - Abah's & Mak's kg. Normally it only takes 1 hour to reach there but that 2 Syawal OMG it took us almost 3 hours! Very bad traffic, although now we have the new highway. So my dad said next year we are SO NOT going back to kg, let org kg come down to Seremban.. hehe.. (No, I personally think we are still going back next year, how could we not? its Kampung and its a tradition!)

Kampung Mak @ Kg Tengah, Sri Menanti

My boy is soo into his Atuk, tak boleh nampak Atuk and he won't let go him. He gets cranky when its too hot, when he sweats and start dah garu2 kepala. Otherwise, he's coping well. He got excited at kampung when he saw chicken, cows, goat, cat and he'll try to chase them. Duit raya collection so far so good, tu pun kira kurang coz mommy kurang beraya thn ni.. hehe.. insyaAllah next year kita ronda habis..haha


I would like to take this oppurtunity to wish all my blog readers Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf zahir & batin.. Mana2 yg tersilap kata, terkasar bahasa, mintak halal makan dan minum.. kalau mana2 yg singgah Seremban tu, jemputlah dtg ke rumah, or if you're in KK, dtg lah yer..

Ok then, baik gi study ni.. dah 3 kali sambung entry ni, alhamdulillah habis jugak.. huhu..


p/s: Im turning T H I R T Y tomorrow, insyaAllah! ;)

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