Sabah is having a very long weekend and I think I didn't really fully utilized the holiday. Reasons being:-
1. Hubby was busy with Dart Tournament - Borneo open on Sat & Sun.
2. Friday his teammate overnight at our house so I had to cook all day.
3. Monday ada kenduri kat rumah sebelah. I suggested to hubby since last week to spend the holiday at Kundasang on Monday & Tues. Suddenly his mother called and ajak gi Pitas, tgk nenek saudara diaorang yg sakit. So yes we went to Pitas - about 3 1/2 hrs drive and drove back to KK last night.
4. Today nothing more or less - clean the house, cooking. Not going anywhere coz Hubby said he wanted to wash the car and he's tired.
There goes my holiday. I really wanted to spend the holiday with my boys somewhere, not in KK, not at home. Hubby will go to KKP next week while I'll be going to Labuan on Thursday-Saturday.
Mcm frust jer bunyi kan...
aahla..kan nnt nak pg uk nnt.hee..
sabar ye akak.. :)) mesti penat keja tu yg bercuti dgn family..
saja mengada.. hehe.. kt uk nanti summer.. panas.. kundasang sejukss.. hehe..
yelah kot..penat keje.. dah pening2.... tu yg rasa nak lari dari KK.. btw, camne nak ada hubby ni.. best kan?
org yg bersabar tu akan dapat lebih baik dr cuti2 kat mesia ni..betul tak..? :)
lia.. buhsan sgt kot cuti 5 hari duk rumah jer.. huhu.. tension aku.. hehe..
tp dah ok dah.. saja je mengada hari tu.. husband aku nak bawak gi sana esok, tp takpelah, simpan jer sampai hujung bulan ni insyaAllah..
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