Saturday, March 20, 2004

Sheffield Games 04


yeah..Sheffield Games 04..its today (Saturday)..dan inilah masa yg terbaik untuk menebus kembali kekalahan di Notts..hehe.apasal macam tiap2 thn pun kata nak tebus kekalahan tapi still kalah jugak.. takpe..Netball players..korang mainlah bersungguh2 esok..(cehh..dahlah baru tadi training tapi nak menang..camne tuh??) ehh..who knows kan..insyallah

fenat ler pulak..did some cleaning as we are expecting guests sat lagi..all the way from Essex ( i have no idea at all kat mana Essex tuh..probably dekat2 ngan Middlesex..) tulah pasal aku tak tido2 lagi nih.. jgn tak leh main esok sudah.. diaorang from Essex nih datang satu netball team..coz dats the only game that they are, boleh imagine tak rumah aku yg comel nih dgn penuh ngan satu pasukan netball = 10ppl..(not including the coach & manager..I supposed they shud have one..hehe..macam Sheffield punya team lah..)

oh! one more thing..ppl, I AM FINE..totally FINE..hopefully lepas nih aku takkan dapat lagi soalan2 bonus okies..tak kiralah dari Sheffield ke, Lancaster ke, Malaysia ke or jauh nun di Glasgow..takde apa2 yg berlaku.. so, korang tak payahlah nak risau.. baik korang risaukan aku nak main netball esok nih.. (did the doctors say not to play at all?? huhu..)

oklah korang..ngantuk dah nih..kang ada yg tertido kat meja nih (slalu sgt dah tuh..)

for those yg main esok, gud luck & all the best..tolonglah kasi Sheffield at least for once, jadi overall champion..!! okie dokie..till then, take care..have a nice weekend..!!


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