Monday, November 07, 2011

Eid Adha


There's no other reason why am I still awake coz it was blackout for almost 2 hours and tgn dah lenguh giler mengipas budak kecik ni.. Anyway alhamdulillah, the lights are back on! But nak tido balik dah susah so I thought have having something posted about my Eid here.

So, it's Aidiladha today and this is the 1st Eid that I didn't prepare any typical raya food and 2nd time raya without Hubby (Aidilfitri mestilah kan, kalau xde mmg meraung laa). I'm having quite serious backache pain since last night, maybe coz I had to take care Naufal alone pastu nak jadi cerita he had diarrhea today sampai 6x poopoo. Huhu. Pity him, his bottom become red and irritated and he was crying every time I washed him. He's now on potty training, so luckily he poop in the toilet if dlm pampers lagilah horror. Alhamdulillah, no vomiting whatsoever, hopefully it gets better in the morning.

Anyway, we went to 2 houses today but well, you know of course I can't eat most of the food served. All I had was nasi kerabu with nothing and nasi imp it and kuah kacang. Laksa was very tempted too as well as nasi tomato but I don't wanna take risk. Sounds so not me kan! But I really wanted to get recover fast, so I could enjoy my holiday in Hong Kong in 2 weeks time! Yey!! Haha, you must have thought that to recover fast for before coming back to work.. Big NO!

Mak & Abah SMS me wished Selamat Hari Raya. Yesterday they also messaged saying it was 40deg in Arafah and tido atas carpet n berbatu2 x rata but he said not to worry, both of them are in good health, alhamdulillah except Mak je kot batuk2 sket. Tp itulah hakikat, nanti bila hari Kiamat, di padang Arafah jugaklah segala amalan kita akan dihisab, time tu takde dah carpet or khemah ke.. Apapun, doa sgt diaorg dpt tunaikan Ibadah haji dgn selamat n mendapat berkat dari Allah SWT.

Hubby plak called early morning, with a sad voice. Syahdu kot, thinking of us and maybe thinking of our gone baby, too. Especially when he was the Imam for raya prayers kt platform tadi.. Uhuk2. I was also in tears bila dgr takbir raya, teringat Hubby, parents and the baby too. Agaknya mcm ni lah perasaan org bila time raya, dgr takbir teringat org2 yg tersayang dah pergi meninggalkan dunia..

Oklah, x nak sedih2.. Semoga Eidul Adha ni mendidik kita bahawa pengorbanan adalah perlu untuk menjadikan kita insan yg lebih beriman Dan bersyukur atas nikmat yg Allah dah bagi.. Kdg2 kita selalu lupa bersyukur (diri sendiri jugak).. InsyaAllah, praying for myself to become a better Muslim, which I think I haven't done enough yet. Byk sgt fikir2 time cuti ni, alhamdulillah Allah bagi wake up call kot for what had happened, maybe before this thinking too much on work and duniawi. So, now it's big time for change, never too late. Kena sacrifice a lot of things, but Allah knows best kan! Yg penting kita ikhlas..

Oklah, Salam Eidul Adha again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



Wan Amira said...

salam, i bace all of your entries yang i dah melepas.. hmm where should i start..

ok, i sangat terkejut yang you ade miscarriage.. honestly and trust me, u r still lucky in the sense that you know that you can still get pregnant.. me.. i have to wait and wait, tunggu rezeki sampai.. and the best part, someone is waiting for you there.. insyaAllah..

anyway, if only u come over to klcc.. boleh la buzz i kalau u boring, i t2, lvl63.. :) under g*ro*up tax.

okeh.. take care ye

Wan Amira said...

salam, i bace all of your entries yang i dah melepas.. hmm where should i start..

ok, i sangat terkejut yang you ade miscarriage.. honestly and trust me, u r still lucky in the sense that you know that you can still get pregnant.. me.. i have to wait and wait, tunggu rezeki sampai.. and the best part, someone is waiting for you there.. insyaAllah..

anyway, if only u come over to klcc.. boleh la buzz i kalau u boring, i t2, lvl63.. :) under g*ro*up tax.

okeh.. take care ye

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