Thursday, September 22, 2005

its Cinot's birthday!


Sorry for the late entry. Was meant to write it yesterday, but I was working late night. So balik dah penattss..

Anyway, yesterday was Cinot's B I R T H D AY, aka Marriani Ahmad. Yes, she's one of my bestest buddy back in TIPD. Opss silap, Puan Marriani Ahmad.. hehe..

So to Cinot,

H A P P Y Birthday! Semoga ko berbahagia selalu di samping suami tercinta (huishh..skema betul ayat aku!), dilimpahi rezeki & iman, diberkati Allah. Have a blessed year ahead and all the best!

Left: Cinot, Me, Yana, Ima-sky, Mark-Ela.

And I took this pic from Ima-sky's blog. The pic was taken in 2000, time Yana (X SMTPDians gaks) punya wedding. (Dont get confused people, I have 3 friends having the same name.)Ahaks..gambar2 masa muda remaja..hehe. Time tu Ive just finished my 5 months industrial training with Petronas, Ima-sky still at UTMKL, Cinot at KYM, Mark ela Uitm Segamat and Yana baru habis Maktab Perguruan.

So to Cinot, sorry again for the late entry. Hehe..

Wanna say thankssss to all my friends here for the birthday party and most importantly for 'The Undomestic Goddess' as my birthday present!!! Yeyyy..suka sgt.. Thanks a lot! Mmg nak beli buku tu but nak tunggu the paperback version, which will be cheaper. But now I have a hard cover version of Sophie Kinsella!!

That was me cutting the yummy birthday cake! ;)

Orait people. I guess that's all for now. Have another 2 birthday entry coming soon..

Thanks again for everything!Luv you all! Wassalam.

Big Hugs*

P/s: Dedicate this song to all the virgos - Liza, Ima-sky, Mark ela, Norsurya Elyana(Yana), Shaema, Cinot, Emmy & Intan.

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